Grand Old Days Hooping Performance

We’ve always been fans of Grand Old Days in St. Paul, MN. It’s an annual celebration that includes an awesome area and community. Needless to say, we were really excited when we were asked by Growler Magazine to perform our hoop dance at their Grand Old Beer Bash and Bazaar, featuring music by The Current. In addition to usContinueContinue reading “Grand Old Days Hooping Performance”

Solo Hoop Dance Performances at the Festival

Here are all of our solo hoop dance performances from St. Cloud’s annual Pride In The Park festival 2014. We had a great time practicing and preparing for this performance and had tons of fun being a part of a great community event. Make sure to blow these up full screen and change the quality to 1080p HDContinueContinue reading “Solo Hoop Dance Performances at the Festival”

A Sneak Peek of Bella Tempo 2011

I am still in the process of sorting through photos and editing our hoop dancing videos to share with you from Bella Tempo last weekend, so in the meantime I thought I’d post another video I found of Nicholas Mrozinski, Maxaphone, & Dylan Nau that catches a few glimpses of us hula hooping. It wasContinueContinue reading “A Sneak Peek of Bella Tempo 2011”